Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Speaking too soon

Ok. Maybe Khali isn't disappearing as quickly as I'd hoped. It was wishful thinking of the highest order to be honest. A Punjabi Prison match has been announced for No Mercy. I wonder what rare ailment will prevent Khali from wrestling in this one.

Either way, if they are trying to get Batista to bury him, then why not get him buried in his own match specialty? One more month of this shit.

In good wrestling news, Chris Jericho is apparently in talks with both TNA and WWE. I hope he goes to WWE. His potential will be exploited there, whereas on TNA he'll be at the top of the midcard. Only Kurt Angle and Joe seem to be Main eventers there. BOO.

Here's Jericho at his finest...

1 comment:

Leigh-Ervin Jackson said...

That Rock and Y2j video is amazing... The Rock has the nest mic skills ever